Unraveling the Mystery: ISO 7899-2:2000 Procedure for Intestinal Enterococci Detection and Count

Navigating Water Quality and Health Insights through Precise Detection Protocols
January 23, 2024 by
Desiree Okpiaifo


Enterococci, Gram-positive cocci found in pairs or short chains, play a crucial role in microbiota. While they are part of the normal microbial community in the human gastrointestinal and female genital tracts, their presence in environmental samples can indicate fecal contamination. This blog post explores the ISO 7899-2:2000 procedure for detecting and counting intestinal enterococci, shedding light on their significance and the methods used for their identification.

Understanding Enterococci

Facultative anaerobes with fermentative metabolism, enterococci exhibit resilience in diverse conditions, including saline environments. Recognized for their resistance to freezing and drying, they are considered effective markers for assessing water quality, especially in recreational settings. The post dives into their role in clinical isolates, their prevalence in various environments, and their association with health issues such as gastroenteritis, respiratory diseases, conjunctivitis, and dermatitis.

ISO 7899-2:2000 Procedure

The procedure begins with the filtration of a specific water volume, aligning with ISO 8199 standards. The presumptive isolation stage involves placing the membrane in Slanetz-Bartley Medium and incubating it at 36 ºC ± 2 ºC for 44 ± 4 hours. Following this, suspect colonies are subjected to confirmation and enumeration on Bile Esculin Azide Agar plates pre-heated to 44 ºC, with incubation at 44 ± 0.5 ºC for 2 hours. The enumeration of colonies is conducted immediately after incubation.

Significance and Applications

The post delves into the significance of detecting intestinal enterococci, emphasizing their role as indicators of fecal contamination and their potential health implications. It discusses how the enumeration process provides valuable insights into the microbial quality of water sources and its relevance in various industries, including healthcare and environmental monitoring.

Mastering the ISO 7899-2:2000 procedure for intestinal enterococci detection is vital for maintaining water quality standards and safeguarding public health. This comprehensive guide navigates through the intricacies of the procedure, highlighting the importance of understanding enterococci in diverse settings.

Related Products:

Condalab 1109 - Slanetz-Bartley Medium ISO 500grams (minimum order quantity of 3 units)

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