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How to implement technologies in operations to become a carbon neutral activity?

How to implement technologies in operations to become a carbon neutral activity?


Status: Open

Opened: 29 Mar 2023 - Closed: 15 Jun 2023

  • clean energy
  • carbon
  • energy
  • footprint
Mining is a key sector in the global agenda for sustainable development and climate change, not only through its role as a supplier of minerals and metals, essential inputs for the generation of clean technologies but also as a change agent capable of incorporating new technologies that reduce carbon footprint and/or generate positive footprint, allowing for carbon-neutral activity.
Some energy alternatives that are being developed include wind, solar, and biodiesel energy, while green hydrogen is also considered one of the pillars in the energy transition. However, viable economic/technical alternatives for reducing carbon footprint are still needed.
**Value elements** Technologies that not only reduce carbon footprint but are cost-efficient (considering energy storage, access to the mining area, as well as environmental conditions). Long-term focus includes alternatives for the use of rehabilitated areas and considering a reduction in energy costs in post-closure activities. Consider improvement processes in the proper management of energy and the reduction of carbon footprint, such as those related to ISO 50001, in the solution. Consider efficient measurement or quantification of the carbon footprint as a key element for measuring improvement and generating a positive impact on the sector's reputation. Synergy with other sectors or projects (e.g., reforestation, reduction of the impact of illegal mining), as well as solutions that consider the value chain (focus on suppliers). Solutions that prioritize the use of alternative energies. Solutions that include financial aspects as a value proposition (carbon credits, green bonds, others).

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REST Client (Huachao Mao)